Brian Dahl

NMLS # 238995


Brian Dahl Broker/Sr. Loan Consultant

Help & Info for Homeowners

Help For Homeowners - Modify, Refi, or Sell

The first step is to figure out whether you want a modification, a refinance, or to sell your home.  The information below will help you in determining which is right for you.  A Making Home Affordable modification (HAMP) is done with your current lender, See the steps below.  A Making Home Affordable refinance (HARP) is what I will help you accomplish.  If your loan is owned by Fannie or Freddie we may be able to do a refinance up to 125% of your homes value.  Lastly, you can also sell your home to get out from the burden of higher payments, even if the sales price is less than what you owe on your home loan, referred to as a short sale.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want clarification on this information. 805-582-9400.  Modification Steps Below:

1st  Step -  See who owns your loan - Check if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac is the owner of your loan, If not, please call your lender for ownership information .
2nd Step -  Frequently Asked Questions - Reading this is the first step to understanding the Making Home Affordable Program for a refinance or a modification. 
3rd  Step -  Modification Eligibility - Here you can check on which programs you are eligible for on either the HARP or HAMP program.
4th  Step -  Look Up Your Lenders Contact Info. - You may be able to send your application to more than one place with your lender for a quicker response.
5th  Step -  Requesting a Modification - This is a step by step guide with forms to requesting a modification and information to prepare.
6th  Step -  If needed, contact me - Hopefully your modification with go through smoothly, if not contact me to discuss a refinance, sale, or options .

Hope Now  -  An organization to help people with their loan situation during difficult times. 888-995-4673.
NACA  -  An organization that has gained some news attention for their efforts in helping people with modifications. 888-302-6222
Keep Your Home  -  CALHFA Mortgage Assistance Corporation, they seem to have a few proprietary programs and some good links. 888-954-5337

Latest News  -  This is the latest news on the Making Home Affordable program.
Making Home Affordable  -  The main Website to the Making Home Affordable program.

County Tax and Property Information 

Ventura County  -  This is a link where you can look up your property taxes if you live in Ventura County.
Los Angeles County  - This is a link where you can look up property taxes if you live in L.A. County.  You need an APN from the link below.
Los Angeles County Property Info  -  Use this link to look up an APN, and other info on a property. APN - Assessors Parcel Number.

Information Sites

Free Credit Report - This is the recommended place, from the FTC, to run your free annual credit report.
Treasury Department - Treasury Department information and activities.
     Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
          Financial Stability.Gov - Information on what the Treasury is doing on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.
          Home Affordable Options - See if you qualify for this program.
Federal Reserve
     News and Events.
Federal Housing Finance Agency - Consumer information. This is one of the agencies that regulate the banking industry. 
     FHFA News Release - Latest mortgage news released from the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
     FHFA Statements - Latest mortgage statements released from the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
Recovery.Gov - This is a sight where you can track our stimulus money.
     White House Blog - Latest and greatest information from the White House regarding current events.
Social Security Administration -